Theta Healing® can be used to clear beliefs that keep you tied to unwanted patterns and habits. The process allows me to quickly and accurately pinpoint your road blocks and lift them, allowing you to move easily and confidently towards your goals. It is a powerful, precise means for deep and everlasting change.

About ThetaHealing®  

The ThetaHealing® technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. The ThetaHealing® technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing® Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. The ThetaHealing® technique is a powerful energetic healing modality that combines both science and spirituality to identify and instantly transform deeply held blocks, feelings, trauma and negative patterns of behaviour and beliefs that are held in the conscious and/or subconscious mind. Once identified we can instantly re-programme and teach new feelings to every cell of the body. Through this gentle procedure we can bring back balance and harmony to our spiritual, mental and physical states by opening the receptors to see things from a different perspective. Changes are positive and the effects can be felt within minutes and last your entire lifetime. The ThetaHealing® technique will assist you to find CLARITY, PEACE, FREEDOM and LIBERATION as you tap into your TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF and gain access to your unlimited potential, your true divine spark. To Learn more about ThetaHealing visit

There are five major frequencies in the human brain (Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta). These brain waves can all be used at any one time, but depending on the situation only one wave frequency is more dominant at any one stage. During very deep meditation, or whilst under hypnosis or drifting off to sleep the THETA brain wave is the most dominant. Scientists have discovered that the theta brain frequency has been found to; alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, facilitate deep relaxation, improve mental clarity, improve creative thinking, reduce pain, promote euphoria and provide access to instant healings.

It has now become widely accepted that our thoughts create our reality. Many of us spend most of our lives struggling towards something or with someone. We struggle with our relationships, our careers, our friendships, our families, our finances, our day-to-day routines. Most often we struggle with ourselves because we are unable to get out of our own way. We find ourselves hindered by our conditioning, limiting beliefs and our prior experiences that become in-grained thought patterns that life just happens to us. Without the skills to know how to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off, we can often feel frustrated, stuck, overwhelmed, full of anger, rage, depressed, running on fear and pain. The ThetaHealing® technique is a powerful modality that enables you to effectively deal with physical or emotional issues that are occurring or have occurred in your life. The process facilitates the release of old thought patterns and beliefs that can cause illness or barriers that may affect your life in a negative way. Changes can be felt instantaneously through special techniques, and can be used to help you gain financial abundance, achieve personal freedom, unlock your own genius and resolve issues from your past without the need to relive them over and over. This technique allows us to access our infinite potential through expanding consciousness where we become the powerful co-creators on our path. Through heart centred awareness we embrace wisdom, gain passion, enthusiasm, love, certainty, flexibility, vitality and energy.