Pauline Harry: Facilitator of Change

I am deeply passionate in providing a quality service and experience for people’s healing on their journey of expansion to highest alignment.

I see my role, as the provider and facilitator of your transformational process, awakening YOU to your hidden potential so you can experience self-love as integrity.

All sessions are totally PRIVATE and fully CONFIDENTIAL, tailored uniquely towards each individual’s own specific needs enabling, powerful change.

I work with people from all over the globe online (via phone or Skype). 

Being a clear channel I am able to read energy, receive information and understand what is going on within another person. Operating from a place of love, compassion and co-empowerment, I am able to tap into and release any old distorted programs of sabotage or fear based schemes. Allowing a breakthrough to experience a life with more joy, fulfillment and self-love.

Together, we can shatter these limiting beliefs to enable transformation and healing to take place. 

Imagine a world where everything is possible
— Pauline 💚

You may ask what is a facilitator of change?

My short answer to this is:  To facilitate the transformational process - (Someone that assists others to adapt, change, renew a new thought program to awaken hidden potential).

As a psychic intuitive, I use my skills to make the necessary changes to enable a shift to take place in order to bring in and create new paradigms full of limitless possibilities. 



Today I am proud to say I have many accreditation’s behind me and I am very honoured to hold my Masters and Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing®️ along with running a successful healing practice from Melbourne that services the world. I am a world renowned teacher, practitioner, instructor and psychic intuitive who teaches life transforming seminars around the globe.

For over 30 years I have been working in the field of health, healing, fitness, teaching, coaching and transformation.

Let me tell you a little bit more about me.

Growing up I battled against one illness or another. This resulted in many instances of being absent from school more times than I could count. So I began correspondence school (distant learning) as well as attend regular school on the days I was able.

Moving forward to secondary school, I still found myself absent for long periods of time and in Year 11, I ended up with glandular fever and was away almost the entire school year. My dream was to attend university and become a veterinarian, but due to lengthy absences, even though I passed my end of year exams, I was advised to repeat if I wished to do this. 

My parents doing what they thought was best for me, had already mapped out my future. I was told to - ‘Forget about university or repeating the year because in the long run it would be a waste of time, as I would eventually end up getting married, falling pregnant and then leaving work to raise a family’. Interestingly enough it was a different set of rules for my brothers and being the good daughter, I did not question their authority, theories or opinions. I simply did what was expected of me… So I left school, went on to secretarial college, excelled in my studies and was catapulted into the business world where I began my climb up the corporate ladder and found myself very happy in a very rewarding job as a P.A. to an Executive Director.

Rolling on a few more years, I did eventually fulfill my parents' prediction of a woman’s life. I got married, but falling pregnant at that time was not so easy. After a few years of trying to conceive without any luck I undertook some medical investigations and miraculously after this I found myself pregnant and was over the moon with happiness. Due to health issues, I was forced to give up work earlier than anticipated due to my pregnancy. This was the turning point for me and my awakening to the importance of being healthy was not just for me, but for the future of my little ones, as they are the future of our tomorrow.  I wanted not only to give them the optimal start but also I wanted to lead by example and be that picture of health and stability so they can experience a parent who was an active participant and could be of guidance to them in their lives.  

As my children got older, I was able to take some time back for myself and I rejoined the gym and with regular exercise, I noticed profound changes in my body and the positive effect this had on my mind. 

“A healthy mind helps create a healthy body and a healthy body is important if you want a healthy mind”.

This learning became another ‘aha moment’ and game changer for me and here started my real journey of life and my study of the human body / mind / physiology / anatomy / pathology / neuroscience. This also led me to various other studies of Eastern / Western philosophies and alternative therapies that I work with today. 

For a long time, I had no idea what I wanted for in my life apart from my children. In my twenties and early-thirties I made choices that were mainly about pleasing others. It was not until my mid-thirties that I began to really learn about what my own values, strengths and goals were. 

With my own personal journey of self-discovery and unfolding, I was able to break free from the old paradigms and conditionings of fixed boundaries to create a life of my choosing, in a world full of possibilities, experiencing  love, freedom, balance, peace and harmony. 

My mission and desire is to create a world of unity, oneness with coherency and I am committed to making a difference by awakening personal growth and evolution in others through educating and empowering people.

Together we can free and unlock your own innate potential to create a life of your choosing. 

I look forward to working with you. 

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
— Jimi Hendrix

My Goal as a Practitioner is Insightful and Practical

I personally love to help people of all ages and from all walks of life, move forward and break free from the constrictions of their life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel truly blessed to lay witness and to be the facilitator of change. 

My goal as facilitator is to HELP YOU NOW. You no longer need to wrestle for years to find out who you are or how to connect and uncover your own uniqueness and hidden gifts.

I will assist you in the releasing of any blocks or self-sabotage that hold you back consciously or subconsciously (knowingly or unknowingly) from living up to the life that you want. 

Get to experience for yourself, as I guide you to the power that lies within you and to understand more about why you are on the planet at this time. 


I'm a ThetaHealer Master, Teacher and Practitioner, who is qualified in many varied modalities: Anatomy & Physiology, Angel Intuitive/Psychic, Bowen Therapy, Breakthrough Experience, Crystal Layouts, Crystals, Emmett Technique, Flower Essences, Journey Practitioner, Magic Course, Matrix Energetics - Fundamentals, Psychic Development, Quantum Physics, Readings, future and past life, Reiki First & Second Degree, Health & Fitness Instructor. ThetaHealing Courses: Advanced DNA, Advanced DNA Instructors, Animal Seminar, Animal, Seminar Instructors, Basic DNA, Basic DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper, Dig Deeper Instructors, Disease and Disorder, Disease and Disorder Instructors, DNA 3, DNA 3 Instructors, Family Ties Seminar, Game of Life, Game of Life Instructors, Hormone Symphony, Intuitive Anatomy, Intuitive Anatomy Instructors, Manifesting and Abundance, Manifesting and Abundance Instructors, Planes of Existence, Planes of Existence 2, Planes of Existence Instructors, Plant Seminar, Plant Seminar Instructors, Rainbow Children Instructors, Rainbow Children Kids, RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight, Science, Soul Mate, The Body Sings, True Alignment With Your Soul Purpose, Wealth Consciousness, World Relations, World Relations Instructors, You and the Creator, You and the Creator Instructors, You and the Earth, You and the Earth Instructors, You and Your Inner Circle, You and Your Inner Circle Instructors, You and Your Significant Other, You and Your Significant Other Instructors.
